
Friday, July 31, 2015

Rooftop Sunset Basketball

My great grandmother always believed in stretching out birthdays, and in my family we love a reason to celebrate. My dad's birthday is a few days away so we decided to kick off his celebration with some pizza, basketball, and donuts of the roof of a parking garage with a great view of downtown, lake Austin, some ritzy houses, and the setting sun.

We picked up some pizza and ate it off of our high dollar Dora The Explorer plates we picked up for 58 cents. It's just how we roll.

We played some HORSE and my dad dominated, as to be expected. Although at one point I took a shot from pretty far back and jumped flawlessly and it was a perfect shoowsh, so I felt accomplished nonetheless. 

The sun set behind the clouds but shone our from behind and it was gorgeous. If you haven't noticed, the sky is kind of my favorite thing.

We ended the night with some mini donuts and it was wonderful. 

Happy Birthday Dad!

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