
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Glittered collage notebook cover

School is back in session, and with it comes folders and backpacks and lunchbags and calculators and boring school supplies. And I am here to obliterate boring.
Yesterday when I finally had all my syllabi and went to Office Depot there were only 2 lonely 5 subject notebooks left and they were adorned with ugly yellow paper covers. I knew something had to be done, so glitter and modge podge to the rescue!
You will need:

  • Magazines or newspaper
  • Letter or other kinds of hole punches
  • Modge Podge (I used matte, but it's up to you)
  • Foam brush
  • Brightly colored paper
  • Glitter
First I went ahead and punched out a bunch of random letters from an old magazine and then I spelled out "English" in hot pink letters because this spiral will be used for my Pre-AP English 2 class. Then I slathered a thin layer of modge podge on and arranged the letters how I wanted them and slapped another nice layer of modge podge on there and let the whole thing dry.

Then I decided it wasn't cha-cha enough so I wanted to throw a little glitter on there, but I went a bit overboard. But can you really overdo it with glitter? It's debatable.
First off I slathered on a good bit of modge podge. Use lots of it, thick as you would use cream cheese on a bagel. Then have fun with the glitter! I'd advise doing this outside, since we all know glitter is the herpes of crafting.

Slap another layer of MP on there and you'll be ready to go! I can't say it turned out exactly as I as envisioned, but it's much better than a plain 'ole yellow cover. Next up is a book cover and some binder coversheets! Woo hoo for school!

Also, did I mention that I'm taking a bunch of artsy fartsy elective this year?
Photography, ceramics, and floral design! I am already having so much fun!

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