
Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tie Dying colored shirts

Oh, tie dye. A classic summer favorite craft to do with friends. I've had this kit sitting around for quite some time and I had this crazy notion to try to dye colored shirts and see what would happen. My kit makes upwards of 15 shirts so Chloe decided to help me out and dye a few items for herself.
As far as instructions go, just follow the instructions on your specific packet.

I dyed 4 different colored shirts. A yellow shirt with a Longhorn screen print design that was a bit see through, a plain yellow shirt, a neon pink with a design, and a plain cement grey shirt. Chloe dyed a plain neon pink shirt for her sister. As well as some white shirts. I started the spiraling process in different places to achieve a different look. With my pink shirt I folded it in half (top over bottom) and used pink dye to see what would happen.

With my gray shirt I alternated between pink and blue, with some blank spaces.

With one yellow shirt I alternated with green and blue, although on the yellow shirt they both look that same.
With the other yellow shirt I used green and pink. Sorry, I don't have pictures of these steps as I had total smurf hands and both Chloe and I were being dive-bombed by a enormous wasp. It was moderately terrifying but we both persevered. 
We dyed some plain white pillowcases from Walmart by very carefully and artistically flinging dye at it. The smurf hands intensified.

All of Chloe's shirts turned out so wonderfully professionally looking.

And all our finished works! Reading left to right, top row first:
White pillowcase with splattered purple dye
Neon yellow Texas shirt with green and pink dye
White pillowcase with splattered blue, yellow, green, pink, and purple dye
White shirt with blue starbursts on a purple background
Gray shirt with alternating blue, pink, and blank spaces
Pink shirt with purple splatters
Yellow shirt with green and blue alternating sections
Pink shirt folded over, spiraled, dyed pink
White shirt with purple splatters
White shirt with traditional multicolored swirl.

Thanks for checking it out! What are your favorite tie dye memories? My favorite came after we dyed with our smurf hands. We were making caramel corn and Chloe thought she may have burned her finger but "I can't tell if my finger is burned because it's purple"-Chloe Rose

I wore it to the airport when we dropped chloe off along with my shorts, which, as you've noticed, match so well (I got dressed at 5:30, don't judge) and I felt the need to take an airport bathroom selfie.

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