
Thursday, September 24, 2015

Chasing the Sunset

If you haven't already realized, I am infatuated with the sunset. I even have a tag set aside for it.
Tonight I think I finally figured what it is about the sky that perpetually seems to catch my interest: The sky and clouds are unhindered by human precepts of what is beautiful and worthwhile. The sky is just there. It's wild and natural and always has been and always will be. I know that pollution plays a bit of a part color-wise, but that's not something we control. I feel like other beautiful things aren't quite as pure so to speak because we have control over things like the breed of roses to grow in our gardens or the kind of haircut our dog needs or how we should arrange fruit it a bowl. The sky just is. We don't get in say in how to make it beautiful because it just is. And honestly, I think the sky is somehow larger here in Texas. It's more broad, more expansive, more vibrant, more dimensional. And I love it so much.

Sometimes I wonder of ancient peoples looked up and wondered why the sky did the things it does. I wonder if they found it as stunning as I do. I wonder if it shaped their ideas of beauty.
This school year I decided I wanted to make a habit of taking my dog for a walk everyday Monday-Thursday. I feel like it is a win-win situation. I get exercise, Gracie gets exercise, I get out of the house, a break from homework, and a chance to just think and decompress, no distractions. But there's another perk I didn't think of initially. If I play my cards right, I have the opportunity to see (and photograph) the sunset and the colored cloud formations.

Today I even came up with a title for myself: A Crepuscular Enthusiast Photographer.
Quick side story; In 8th grade our class spent a week at Calvin Crest for a week of outdoor education and general bonding. On our first night we were preparing to take a night hike and so we were being lectured on the different types of animals we may come across and we were asked what the name is for animals who hunt at dawn and dusk exclusively. My friend and cabin counselor was so excited that she knew the answer that she blurted it out "crepuscular!" before us students even had the chance to respond, gaining her a reproachful glance or two from the instructors. Anyhoo, that's how I know the word.

But back to the title, I like it. I am a certainly sunset enthusiast, and I love photographing the beauty I see. It's also really interesting to compare the photographs. It is so shocking to see how one sky can produce such a spectrum of colors and the variety of clouds.
And I am really happy with myself for starting up this little habit of mine.
Walking and chasing the sunset, it's my favorite.

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