
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Fruit appreciation post: Pomegranates

As Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching and we are all feeling quite grateful and thankful, I'd like to appreciate one fine fruit that is often forgotten; The Pomegranate.
It does appear to be tough and unfriendly from the outside, but on the inside it's just full of sweet, juicy, geometrically shaped seeds, snuggled between the tissue paper thin, creamy white membrane that hugs them until you excavate and enjoy them.
What is there not to love about this fruit?

Those little seeds are just harbingers of joy. Some are a deeper red than others. Some more of the pale pink, others fully translucent.
I know that their bright pigmentation scares many away from this gorgeous and delectable fruit, but I've got news for you.
Eating a pomegranate does not have to be a red, sticky mess.
Simply cut your pomegranate in half with a good, sharp knife. Then submerse half the pomegranate into a large bowl of water and begin to separate the seeds from the pith and the membrane. This keeps the seeds more intact as well as preventing juice from squirting every which way. The membrane will float to the top, and the precious seeds sink to the bottom.
Now what's your reasoning for not enjoying this fruit on a more regular basis?
Even the skin/wrapping/peel/rind is beautiful and detailed.

Look at the wonderful ombre, from a brick red, to a pink, to a peach, to an almost rosy yellow. And those teeny red tips on the pith. 

As I was eating my pomegranate tonight, I was enjoying more than just it's bright flavor and crisp texture. The fruit itself is just stunning. I just stopped to admire it all for awhile, with its mixture of pattern and variety.
Then I was thinking that this is the kind of stuff you miss in life if you don't slow down and smell the roses. 
How many other breathtaking things have I missed because I was too preoccupied with other "big" stuff? 
I wondered how I could be more intentional about noticing these little things. 
I decided that I am going to embark on one of those month long photo challenges. Except, I am going to condense it into this upcoming Thanksgiving break. I'll show y'all when I am done. I am excited. 

What little things have you gotten excited about lately?

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