
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Photo Adventure: Dallas World Aquarium

Today my family ventured to the Dallas World Aquarium.
It seems like more of a zoo, housed in a large botanical garden with a few fish thrown in for good measure. It is quite exciting nonetheless. I took almost 500 pictures of the exotic plants and animals. Here are the highlights (with some commentary as needed);


Neon fishies!

I am a fan of the stingray's polka dot eyebrows.

 I know this photo isn't all that great, but guys, ITS A MANATEE. And this is the first manatee I've ever seen IRL it I was quite ecstatic. Sadly, I wasn't able to get a very good picture. I'll make up for it with a a cute manatee keychain tutorial soon.

Sassy penguin. Or, pengwengs. Or penglins. 

 The aquarium was situated right in the midst of downtown.

 Those eyes are goals.

This owl swiveled it's head flawlessly and proceeded to stare into my soul.

Not everyday to do you a flamingo scratching it's head with it's foot.

I had so much fun photographing the zoo inhabitants today. I enjoyed the challenges created by the fences, glass enclosures, crowds, and quick moving animals. My Canon makes everything an adventure, and I love it. 

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