
Saturday, November 7, 2015

Photo Adventure: Sweet Berry Farms

Today my family made the hour trek out to Marble Falls to visit Sweet Berry Farms for their last weekend of the fall, and I'm so happy we did! We hit the farm on a great day. We had the place almost to ourselves (except for another photographer, 2 teenagers, and one family), the weather was cool but sunny with bouts of cloud cover (which is perfect for photography), the goats were having baby goats, and the flower fields were in full bloom. It was gorgeous.
We all started off our afternoon with some pumpkin ice cream. This ice cream is the best. It's sweet and has definite pumpkin flavor, but it isn't overpowering.

We enjoyed our ice cream while looking at the variety of gourds for sale. 

Then we saw some of the most photogenic goats I've ever seen in my life. We also learned that my dad is an actual goat whisper. He coached the goats to model for me. It was pretty great.

I think that the goat's eyes are just stunning. 

These little boogers wanted in on the action too.

Then this dork tried to eat my dad's umbrella. Just look at that face. He knows what he's trying to get away with.

This little one climbed a tree to eat the stuffing out of the scarecrow. 

He got a bit stuck on his way down through.
But as soon as I turned my back there he was, up in the tree again, even higher now, nomming on the tree branches.

Then, just as we were about to head to the flower fields, a goat went into labor. She looked so uncomfortable and look about 15 minutes to deliver her first goat, and about 10 minutes to deliver the second one. I have pictures of the whole process but I don't know how y'all feel about pictures of a goat in labor on a craft blog. As soon as the first mama goat was cleaning up her 2, another goat went into labor. She must have been experienced because she delivered each goat with one push. She cleaned up both those little goats and they were standing to nurse within 15 minutes. It was so adorable to see them exercising their new little legs and then they'd get their footing for a minute before falling down. Here's the second mama with her 2 littles. The itty bitty goats are just the cutest thing you ever did see. The owner of the farm and the goats came over a little bit later and he and my dad were chatting it up. Mom and I went to pick some flowers while they watched the birth of some more goats. The whole process way extraordinary.

Sweet Berry Farms has 3 large fields of flowers filled with Zinnias and Sunflowers. The fields were across the street but there's a tunnel that connects the 2 parts of the farm. 

I, of course, too hundreds of pictures. Here are my favorites. 

The flowers my mom picked were very pretty.

I'm glad I wore my rain boots because it was all pretty rainy earlier this week. I think the rain and mud scared people away. 

Also, at one point my very observant father pointed out all the birds riding some kind of wind current and I just snapped a photo at the right moment and it looks pretty legit. 

As we were leaving the clouds were descending.

And as we were rolling back into Cedar Park the sunset was very dramatic. I wish I would have had a better opportunity but I was grateful that the center window in the back of the truck rolled down so I could capture this image. 

I am so glad my family chose to go today and continued to enjoy fall in all it's glory. Going to the farm was a great way to spend a Saturday. 

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