
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

App Obsession: Google's "Keep"

Friends, we need to chat. We need to chat about organization. We need to chat about this app, Keep. It has changed my life. It's both a smartphone app and a computer program produced by the one and only Google. It is a revolutionary new sticky and list making app which is syncable between computers and smartphones. It allows me to write lists and check off the items one by one, while the checked off items stay on the sticky note, which is so satisfying. I can write notes, add audio clips, or upload photos. I can view my notes from both my computer and my phone, making it a great blogging tool. I can add links to sites so I can easily access them at a later date from any device. I can add reminders to notes, archive them for later, or share them with friends. I can sort my notes by a variety of filters. I can search through my notes via keywords or even colors.

Did I mention it's beautiful? I am in L O V E.
Here's an idea of what it looks like on the computer:

I used Evernote for a while, but I found it to be a little too complicated. I love Keep because it is very simple, user friendly, and more than capable of doing all the things I need. I feel so organized and empowered. Other times when I've tried to be a better list maker I get overwhelmed because I start one big list but then I feel the urge to split it into other, smaller, more specified lists, but I want them to be connected so I end up with a bunch of boxes and brackets that are not visually appealing and are hard to add to. Google keep allows me to create living lists. I can add, subtract, and reorder the elements of my lists. What else must I tell you? Google Keep allows you to organize your life effortless and beautifully. If you want to be the most orderly, efficient, and methodical  person on the block I suggest you download this beauty with deliberate speed. Go on and thank me later.

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