
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Freshman Reflection

Hey readers, just wanted to let you know that this was originally posted on June 5th, 2015, but Blogger freaked out on me and so the date stamp is incorrect. sorry.

Hmmm. Breathe in, breathe out. The school year is over. Summer is upon us. But before I jump headlong into the electrifying and exciting summer I have planned, I'd like to look back on my first year of high school.
This school year has been a year of firsts for me. 
First year in high school
First year in a public school
First year in a new place

This year has been wonderful. I attended a small private Christian school before my family moved to Cedar Park. In 8th grade I has 38 kids in my grade. My freshman class has over 400.
Being enrolled in a huge public school has been perfect for me. There are so many people,and my school has more programs than I can count. The opportunities are endless. This year I was able to take Principles of Biomedical Sciences, and next year I'm looking forward to ceramics.  I was able to take an AP class as a freshman (which was an wonderful experience, by the way).

Things on the social front have been going surprisingly well. With such a large, heterogeneous student body, there has to be a group you fit into, and people seem to generally be more accepting and open to diversity, and I appreciate that. I have met some wonderful people and made some rad friends. Exceptionally rad, to be precise.

This year I have realized that education and knowledge is really my jam. I enjoy when my teachers lecture. I love learning and being more educated about the world in which we live. As this school year comes to a close I feel like I have a much stronger grip on the world, even though my knowledge barely scrapes the surface of understanding. I cannot even comprehend what I don't know, but what I do understand is so empowering. Call me crazy, but I appreciate learning new things.

I have also learned that I am a quiet person. Well, yeah, I knew this, but in junior high I had this tendency to think that I'd somehow change and "come out of my shell" when I started high school due to some magical power of 9th grade or something. But nope. I'm (still) quiet. I don't need to be talking all the time just to take up space. I especially don't need to be the center of attention, and that's okay. As much as I enjoy our loud, crazy, buzzing cafeteria, I don't often contribute to the chaos.

Another thing: High School Musical is actually kinda accurate about a handful of things. I guess my view is different from student who have been in large schools for the bulk of their education, but I was quite surprised about the following:

  1. Social groups and cliques EXIST, and they are very visible (and often quite stereotypical) 
  2. High school campuses are HUGE and do have secret places that are often unknown
  3. Prissy girls exist and ARE as high maintenance as Sharpay
  4. The whole theater department IS little off it's rocker. 
  5. People DO come to school with zero school supplies (I'm looking at you, Chad)
  6. Phones are THAT much of a distraction
  7. People DO just break into song and dance...
Last week my friends and I were just chilling at lunch when all of a sudden a vaguely familiar song starts playing. Soon after a whole gaggle of folks stand up at the same time. Some quickly don their caps and gowns, even though graduation is more than a week away. Next thing we knew, they all agglomerated and began singing and dancing, acting out this scene from High School Musical where everybody shares a hidden talent or hobby and are then promptly told to "Stick the status quo". It was glorious. It made my day. Points for the seniors for a fun and memorable senior prank.

On a more practical note, Freshman year has taught me how to be a more efficient note taker, how to speed walk like a pro, and how to stay focused while reading an entire chapter of a textbook at a time. 

Freshman year has been so good. Just good. Not the kind of good that's not as intense as great, but the type of good where you go "yeah, a few things here and there could have gone better, but I wouldn't have changed a thing". The kind of good where you realize that you didn't expect that much in the first place but your non-existent standards have been blown out of the water. 
Does anybody else know what I mean? I hope so. 
This year went by so quickly, and for the first time I'm wishing I could just stay. I'm not longing for a change, and I think that's a good sign. 
Anyhoo, I'm sure Sophomore year will be just as good, and I'll learn all sorts of new things, and I can't wait!
Now I feel ready to welcome in summer and all of it's radiance and excitement. 

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