
Thursday, July 16, 2015

NYC day #6

Today was a "grab bag" sort of day. We did a little bit of everything, trying to hit all the things on our list.

We started our day at Magnolias bakery for breakfast. I chose a strawberry cupcake and I was not disappointed. The cake was light and airy with just a touch of strawberry flavor. The shop was just as cute as a button.

Next we ventured over to the flagship Tiffany's store on 5th Avenue. The store was so beautifully laid out and very well staffed. The jewelry was, as to be expected, stunning.

As I was chilling in the lounge on the 6th floor a well dressed gentleman approached me and offered me water, tea, or coffee. I opted for water and this is what I was given. Tiffany's does it right!

Once mom and I had our fill window shopping at Tiffany's we ventured over to the MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). I feel so honored to have seen the works of Warhol, Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet, and Pollock all under one roof.

I was also introduced to the works of some other artists. 

We then met up with our friends from Staten Island (different friends from the ones we've been with the rest of the week) for lunch in Central Park before going on the official Central Park walking tour.

 Notice that the clock from the above photo features a hippo playing the violin. I would have loved to be the artist who had this on their resume.

The park also has a statue of Balto, the dog who saved that village in Alaska from typhoid and started the iditarod race.

Notice how the bird conveniently perched upon the angel's hand.

After our Central Park adventure we made our way to Grand Central Station to eat some more cheesecake at Juniors. We asked the waiter to take our photo and the below image is the result.

Once we had our fill of cheesecake we tried out the whispering walls of Grand central. If one person stands in one corner and another person stands in the corner diagonal from them and whispers you can hear it as clear as day.  It's crazy trippy.

Once we parted ways with our dear friends we headed to the Lincoln Center and enjoyed the sights there. Mom and Dad also enjoyed a Gray's Papaya Hot dog. which, they reported, exceeded their expectations. 

This was a winner of a grab bag.

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