
Monday, July 6, 2015

Plastic animal succulent terrarium

Today I fulfilled a childhood dream of mine. I put together a small, kitchy, funky succulent terrarium. As a little kid I was continually checking out this library book that was all about potted succulent gardens. It had a little green spine and I flipped through it so many times, taking in every detail if the brightly colored photographs. I could still describe some of them to you to this day. I loved that book and it's remaining to be a great source of inspiration, even all these years later.
Anyhoo, tutorial time!

-Planter (glass, ceramic, stone, what have you)
-Succulent (mine was tiny and $1.99 from Walgreens)
-Potting soil
-Plastic animals (mine were $1 from Target)
-Hot glue gun+ sticks

Plant your succulent. I planted mine a little off center, but that's up to you.

Now it's time to make our little animal friends stand up. I hot glued toothpicks to one leg of each figure, and I tried to use the straightest leg possible to hide the majority of the pick.

Now it's time to stick 'em into the pot. I did my best to place them so that the least amount of wooden toothpick would show.
Ta-Da! My childhood dreams have been given wings! This makes me so happy, and now I have ideas galore, so I think I may be making more soon as this whole project cost me less than $5!

See the air plants in the photo below? They are another fulfillment of childhood dreams spurred on by that same green book. There was a 2 page spread that was all about these magical little plants that can grow on telephone lines and tree branches without being in dirt, and 5 year old me thought it was just about the most futuristic thing know to man. For a while I didn't believe such a thing could exist, but when I grew up and believed it I wanted one of my own so badly, but the dry central California climate couldn't support it. Finally, when we moved to central Texas I was able to buy some for myself and these little plants still amaze me. Thank you little green book!

Isn't it so fun? I couldn't be more pleased with the outcome. 
What childhood dreams could you fulfill? 

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