
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Photo Adventure: Hope Outdoor Gallery

This afternoon my family went to explore the Hope Outdoor Gallery, Austin's graffiti park.
It was such an experience. There were all types of people there for all different purposes. This wasn't exactly the most delicate of environment, but the art was so worthwhile. And no, it wasn't the most wholesome, but sometimes you have to lighten up a but and enjoy another facet of the creative community.

The art walls are a feast for the eyes. It's like looking at a really complicated I-Spy picture, especially the way everything is layered, one picture on top of another. The art styles vary immensely, from basic to extraordinary. I also love the inspirational and encouraging messages.

I like this hip flamingo snake thing.

Who do you think the portrait is of?

I like the way the ivy sort of drapes down where her hair would go, but her face looks like she doesn't approve.

It's a plumeria!

Is this an old man with crazy hair and a beard? Or a baby with it's face in a crescent moon? Or a man on fire? I'm confused.

I love how layered this tiger is.

I love everything about this. The blue rays on the left, the purple and orange overlapping circles, the print on top of them. The whole thing. I love it.

This pieces has a very geometric, yet fluid feel. I wish I could have seen the whole work. I honestly do not know what it is but I like the style.

I am a fan of the style of writing and the background.

I like how it looks like the skull is spitting out the green and blue stuff.

Also, I found a very rare rainbow colored Crayonbox palmus.

All the art is a bit overwhelming, but lovely at the same time.

I really cannot wait to go back and see all the new art which will have replaced the present art. Maybe next time I'll plan something out, take some paint, and make my temporary mark on the landscape. I had so much fun channeling my inner rebellious graffiti artist.

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