
Saturday, August 22, 2015

Fast food french fry ranking

You know that all french fries are not created equal, right?
My mom and I took it upon ourselves to go on a quest to rank french fries from 5 different fast food places in our area in an attempt to clear up this issue.
I'm sure you lie awake at night pondering deep issues such as french fry equality.

Number 5 (our least favorite)
A small fry costing a whopping $1.94 was the largest portion of the evening as well as the largest disappointment of the evening. These were all fashion and no flavor. They were the most visually appealing but the taste was truly appalling. The taste was purely chemical and the texture was utterly chewy and soggy. You'd really think it would be harder to mess up some fried bits of potato, but apparently not for our friends at Wendy's. Like "I need to squirt straight ketchup in my mouth right this moment" kind of messed up.

Number 4
Texans, allow me to apologize now for ranking your beloved Whataburger fries as number 4 on our list. At the price of $1.29 the bag of fries was small. The fries were nicely crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, but they were a bit too thin to fully enjoy the warm and soft insides for my liking, but is shoestring fries are your thing then these may rank higher with you. They were also too oily and over salted; the aftertaste was not entirely pleasant. On the upside, Whataburger was the only restaurant to give us ketchup without us requesting it, and for good reason too, their fries needed it desperately.

Number 3
Sonic Burger
Sonic burger offered us our cheapest and smallest portion of french fries. I was disappointed by the overall texture of the fry. They were mushy and soggy with no satisfying crispiness. The flavor was it's only real redeeming factor was it's more natural potato taste. I personally couldn't handle the texture.

Number 2
Burger King
Burger King deserves mad props for the box design. It s like a smiley face with a tongue made of a fry with ketchup on it! How clever! Their $1.94 french fries were served piping hot. Their fries were the thickest of all, a tad crispy on the outside but soft and potato like on the inside. They did have a bit of an oily aftertaste, and I felt like they were unevenly salted but other than that they were pretty good.

Number 1 (Our Favorite)
In-and-Out Burger
,By and large, In-and-Out was our favorite. They presented us with the best bang for our buck in the fry department, with a whole tray costing a mere $1.65. Call it my California born bias but their french fries were exponentially better than the competitors. They are the perfect thickness with a crisp and perfectly salted outside and warm and soft on the inside with the perfect consistency. The aftertaste remains true to a potato, something not all fast food places can say. In-and-Out definitely has the best option if you need a fry fix. Also, if you're feeling adventurous, try their animal fries!

Also, you'll note that we did not review McDonald's fries because we just don't do McDonald's, you know? Also, their fries are fabled to contain all sorts of voodoo chemicals that we kinda try to avoid. Not that Burger King or Wendy's is any better, though. It's a psych thing. Sorry.

What are your thoughts? 
Who has the best fries?
The worst?

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