
Sunday, September 6, 2015

Firework photography makes me happy

Happy Labor day! I hope everyone is enjoying their nice long weekend. The park in my neighborhood threw this nice large end of summer bash which featured a spectacular display of fireworks. I had so much fun photographing all of the flying glitter madness from the sky with my new Canon and some pointers from my friend Jessica. Also, while we were waiting for the show to start Jessica and I made a little toddler friend who was playing with a volleyball and he had a smile that was worth a billion bucks. Gotta love little ones. And fireworks. Ah, fireworks.

Honestly I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but fireworks make me so very happy. They are vibrant and glittering and fast, yet lingering. I can't even contain my happiness around them. If I did a "ten things that make me happy" video like Jessica did, it would totally be on my list. So would cheese pizza, rummy, and Downton Abbey. Go watch Jessica's video and then make a list of your own!

Happy Labor Day everyone! Enjoy your Monday off! Don't forget that you have the day off! 

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