
Thursday, September 3, 2015

Where I'm from poem

Sorry about how I've low-key fell of the face of the earth. School has been a little crazy, new classes and settling into the new routine and all, but I'm beginning to fall into a rhythm, and I am really enjoying my art classes and English.
In Pre-AP English 2 we've been analyzing poetry which has been an interesting introspective experience, and one of our assignments was to emulate George Ella Lyon's poem "Where I'm from" and although the assignment was harder than I expected, I enjoyed it and I think the finished product is a fun reflection of who I am and how my childhood has shaped me, so I thought I'd share it here. Hope you enjoy!

Where I’m from
By Chloe Hunter

I am from T-shirts, striped socks, and hair ties.
I’m from cheese pizza and pasta and fruit plates and peanut butter toast.
I’m from the second story window overlooking the cul de sac, from front flips onto a black inner-tube in the pool.
I am from polymer clay, paper mache, and tie dye.
I’m from old episodes I Love Lucy, The Brady Bunch, Little House on the Prairie, and The Waltons.

I am from a big bookshelf and an even bigger closet of board games.
I’m from rats a frats and winner winner chicken dinner said real fast.
I’m from big family dinners with the smoke alarm a beep beep beeping, proclaiming burnt bread in the midst of family conversation.
I’m from friendly competition and fun with the cousins, playing soccer with goals made of folding chairs, racing to finish puzzles, and pictionary.
I am from frog hunting and racing go-carts through cold, wet, mud.

I am from the Land of Fruits and Nuts (and in more sense than one)
I’m from roadtrips and adventures through the mountains and valleys and deserts and around the coast with a camera in hand.
I’m from a small school with 35 children in a grade.
I’m from fresh and fragrant strawberries that you’ve just bought from the stand and can’t wait to eat.
I am from festivals and conventions and celebrations for anything from art to the orchards of trees being in bloom.
I am from stays at the frozen yogurt place on the corner so long they require a second round of froyo while absorbed in invigorating conversation.
I am from deep and invested friendships with the best and most likeminded people.

Lastly, and most importantly, I’m from Big Church. Not all the fluffy cottonball lambs (although I enjoyed them in Sunday school too) but I’m from Big Church too, with the big choir and the long pews. And Jesus.

When it comes down to it, I’m really I’m from Jesus. He gives me life and purpose. That’s where I’m from.

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