
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Photo Adventure: Chalk Walk

t's been quite a while since my last photo adventure. That's mostly on account of my recent battle with my perpetual mound of homework. I feel like I'm always on the verge of falling behind, and now matter how efficient I may feel I just can't quite keep up. I am hoping that as I continue to settle into the workload that I'll get the hang of it, but until then I'll probably be forced to slow my pace on my blog. This prospect saddens me because blogging is my thing. It's my hobby. It's what I do. I'm not in choir or theater or on the soccer team. I blog. My life has basically transformed into a balancing act between homework and trying to manage the rest of my life such as talking to my friends, conversing with my family, eating, and trying to get some exercise. I've only watched 2 hours of television in the last 15 days. You get the gist. I'm overwhelmed, but my goal is to get it under control and hopefully make more time for myself and my blog. That's the goal, anyway.

Today (well, Saturday) I prioritized a fun event over getting a bit ahead on my work, because what if life without a little excitement? This morning a friend of mine sent me a couple photos of some amazing chalk art. Upon inquiry I learned that she was at the Round Rock Chalk Walk. I googled it and asked my parents if they could take me (I should have my license by the end of the year!) and it worked out that my grandparents needed to go car shopping at a dealer in Round Rock, so we divided and conquered, dad went with my grandparents to the dealer and mom and I to the festival. It was a great time. Live music, families, and some fair food.

The artwork was done by individuals from all different skill levels, and there were also smaller spaces for random doodling and art.

The professional chalk works blew my actual mind.

First, the great chalk paradox-

Namaste, y'all-

These hot air balloons won the prize for most colorful-

These artists are so dedicated and worked on their pieces for over 48 hours. The chalks they work with are the small oil pastel kind, which is crazy considering how large their finished pieces are. They work so meticulously on their hands and knees, so mad props to them.

The styles of art varied wildly, and it was neat to see everyone's different approach to chalk art.

This amazing, dimensional creature taking out the shaky looking bridge-

This impressionistic portrait-

These bats flying majestically over a field of blue bonnets-

These two well dressed mammals preparing for an interview-

This, uh, firey-haired individual-

This darkness and light ying yang which won the title of "Most Inspiring"-

This crazy detailed eye taking in the sights of a big city-

Lots of high school art clubs were represented.

This fox is just to cha-cha for words-

This phoenix low-key blew my mind. They were able to create such a sense of space and movement with chalk-

A dragon just chilling atop the RR water tower-

Elementary art classes and clubs were also present.

The circular, suessical tree-

This nice little paper crane doodle-

This dragon that was supposedly all done by one boy-

The elementary school students who created this huge, colorful "Space Hedgie" restored my faith in the coming generations-

This awesome little Scandinavian design that I want as a sticker-

Small spaces were sold to kids and adults alike who wanted to join the fun on a 2x2 or a 4x4 scale.

Lots of rainbows, lots of swirls, lots of cartoon references. 

I distracted this little one for a moment by asking if I could take her picture. She quickly agreed and went right back to her masterpiece.

Dedicated young artists. Also, note that it was not simply young ones who enjoyed this creative outlet.

I don't know what this is playing at, exactly, but it made me smile.

As we meandered our way around we ran across this little boy who wrote out all his ABC's on the pavement and then sang them to check that every letter was accounted for. He was actually the cutest. We gave him a high five to celebrate a job well done and continued on our way. You go, little dude.

This was such an exciting and playful event! I am so glad my friend told me about it and I was able to go. I met some cool people and saw some marvelou art! I can't wait for next year, and I'm even thinking about volunteering with the Chalk Walk in the future. 

Also, I think we can note how this event proves my point from that post I wrote about crafts with a maximum age. 

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