
Friday, October 23, 2015

Unicorn poop cake cookies

Last Sunday (long time ago, I know) the sophomore girls from my church got together to make some baked confections and do a little Bible Study. I chose to make some fancy, multicolored, mythical excrement cake cookies. Marielle inspired me after she commented on my red berry sour bites with a suggestion to add some colors to make it look like unicorn poop. I used both funfetti and vanilla boxed mixes because that is what I had on hand, but next time I'd probably just use funfetti because it has those colored candy chip things inside.

You will need:
-2 boxed cake mixes (white, funfetti, yellow, vanilla, strawberry, etc)
-1 cup vegetable/grape seed oil(split into half)
-4 eggs (2 per mix)
-food coloring

Mix up the cake mixed individually in you're using 2 separate mixes with the oil and eggs.

Separate equally into 4  bowls and color using food coloring. Be careful not to add too much too fast, and mix well. Mix whatever colors your little heart desires. 

To shape, pull off equal sized amounts, roll into a snake, lay the snakes side by side, and flop around and on top of itself. 

Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for 12-15 minutes (or until the edges turn slightly golden) in a 350 degree oven. 

And there you have it, easy peasy! Next time I will make a basic glaze and slap some sprinkles on top too. I am quite pleased with the result. 

Also, thanks to Cherokee for hosting all the event! So much fun!

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