
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Photo Adventure: Yosemite National Park

Yosmite, yall.
When we lived in the valley we went quite a bit, but I haven't realized how much I missed just being able to see the mountains from the valley, much less actually seeing all the banded stone faces and the blanket of trees that stretches as far as the eye can see. 
On Sunday we went with our friends, the Wallaces and their adorable 4 year old daughter, Emily. 
On our drive to the valley we stopped multiple times to play in the snow and take in all the glorious sights, and of course photograph all the beauty. 

I don't currently own any snow boots (because, Texas) and Jenn graciously loaned me her vintage Sorrells which are 5 years older than me. They kept my feet so warm, dry, and comfortable.

This little girl is actually the cutest thing I've ever seen. She had so much fun "walking on snow".  Also, fun fact, I wore those same pants as a child.

I thought the tree stump was fun and artsy.

Also, I never though that Manzanieta trees wouldn't be found in Texas, so I enjoyed seeing them all cute and snow covered.

We love Half Dome, but sadly, because of the fog and low cloud cover, we couldn't see it. These were the conditions we were working with. The beautiful snow dusted landscape made up for it.

We then stopped in the Ahwahnee, which is a historic hotel in the heart of the valley which was elaborately decorated for the holiday season. 

Our whole afternoon was gorgeous and pure, like a cross between Bob Ross's Happy Little Trees and Thomas Kinkade's Christmasy scenes featuring frost, fog, and a soft, glowing light. I love it when I am surrounded by a painting which has come to life. It makes me feel like I'm with Mary Poppins and I should jump on a carousel horse and join a horse race. 
Considering that Christmas is 2 days away and I am completely unprepared, maybe my best bet would just be to join a horse race. Who knows.  
But for now, I'd just like to marinate in the wonderfulness of my trip to Fresno as I fly to my new home in Austin. 
Merry Christmas and Happy Winter, if I don't squeeze in another post in before then. 

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