
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Spring Break 2016: Day 3+4

What a Monday!
An exponentially better Monday than a regular school Monday because this Monday was a daytrip/adventure day! We set out to hike up and around Enchanted Rock, a granite batholith about 2 hours away from home. 

Our adventure started with lunch and pie at the Blue Bonnet Cafe. Most of the folks passing through Dripping Springs had the same idea, so the wait was a bit long. I monopolized on the free time, full sun, and gorgeous flowers by whipping out my extension tubes and snapping a few macro shots.

The kitchen staff worked diligently and efficiently to ensure that everything ran smoothly. The restaurant has a relatively large menu and is known for their pies with tall meringue, so I'm sure they have their work cut out for them.

This gargantuan slice of pie was shared by my family on Pi day!

The wild Bluebonnets have began to spring up along the highway in fits and spurts, so dad located a secure stretch of shoulder he could pull over on to let mom and I photograph them.

Another wildflower, the Indian Paintbrush, usually come up after the Bluebonnets have come and gone. I think I may actually like them better than Bluebonnets (gasp!) so I was excited to see some popping up early.

Enchanted Rock had reached capacity before we arrived, so we were in a line of cars waiting to get in for about an hour. I used to the time to read more Stargirl, which I'm thoroughly enjoying. 


Or, maybe not. At first it was hard to not be a little underwhelmed. I mean yeah, I'm from California and used to really striking mountains and state parks in general. I just had to be more intentional about seeing the beauty. 

The journey up to the top is a little bit scary.

Surprisingly, when you reach the top, there's an abundance of water, plant life, and animal life! We spotted birds, lizards, and squirrels.

Yall, there were stone fruit trees. Blossoming trees. On a granite rock. Way up in the air. Fruit trees. It blew my mind.

Macro moss and lichen shots!

The summit may as well be the top of the world. Being up there gives you this sense of relaxed and peaceful power, as if you could conquer the world if you needed to, but you probably won't have to today. Empowering, in some way. 

There is a "cave" on one side. Cave, more like a chamber and tunnels created by precariously balanced rocks. I ventured in accompanied by my 1300 lumen flashlight, but turned around when I reached a point where I'd have to crawl in a space so tight that by back would touch the top of the passage. The idea of being stuck and alone didn't bode well, so I turned myself around and exited.

As sunset drew closer and the twilight hour was upon us my excitement and general euphoria grew: sunset was what I had come for.

Our shadows stretched across the rough surface.

And the sun started sinking down, further and further with each moment. It's locating and my excitement were inversely proportional. As it sunk, my excitement grew.

Silhouettes were begging to be toyed around with.

And the sky projected a million colors as it's illumination grew dim. I felt that I was in the sky, feeling the change right along with the landscape. Being able to capture sights like these reminds me of how beautiful and amazing life is, and how grateful I am for the opportunity to capture it. All was right in the world for a few moments.

I wonder how many more sunsets I'll experience in my life time. I hope and pray that they never quit amazing me the way they do. 

Day 4
Tuesday was a great, chill day spent with my friend Ramsey. We glittered mugs which will be given as gifts to her friends, as she's graduating this year. SO MUCH GLITTER! ALL THE MODGE PODGE!
It was a beautiful day, and we spent a good portion of it outside on the swings.

Tuesday's sunset was beautiful too, but I didn't time it right and had to sprint to my signature sunset photo spot to capture the tail end.

:) :) :)

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