
Monday, March 14, 2016

Spring Break 2016: Day 2

My family went to church and I wore one of dresses I bought Saturday and paired it with a colorful head warp thing to balance the black and white stripes. I felt quite very cute and comfortable all day, which is a small feat. Church was great. Our group of girls was smaller than usual but we had fun nonetheless. 

After church dad took me to Best Buy so we could look at and purchase a 5 terabyte hard drive to store all my pictures. Do yall know how many 64 gigabyte SD cards I've filled since August? 7! This will hold the equivalent of 75 of these cards, so the hope is that this external hard drive will last me a long while. Another great perk is that I won't have to buy any more SD cards! I can upload their pictures and then wipe them. Woohoo for saving money!

After that we popped over to the pet store next door, as Gracie needs more treats. The fish on the end cap distracted me and captivated my attention. Fish are so beautiful and mesmerizing, and it's sad that they have to live part of their lives in a stupid cup that has to be smaller than is healty. They're too beautiful to be kept like this. I'd love to see a beta fish's flowy and iridescent tail in motion. I'm sure they'd be happier that way too. I could have stood there and stared at them all day. Fish can be incredibly entertaining.
One day in the future I'd love to do a photo series on fish, but first I need to find a way to get a hold of a Betta or gold fish for just a couple hours. I don't want to keep it as a pet, but I need to put it in a pretty bowl on a nice background and manipulate the lighting, so I need to have autonomy over it for a little and then give it back. Any ideas?

I then joined mom and grandma at Goodwill, as they were having a half off sale. I found a cute sweater from American Eagle, a cute pair of jeans to cut off into shorts, a pair of shorts, and some tops. This "Ain't nobody got tome for that" shirt is my favorite because it's large and white- the perfect candidate for tie dye.

Here's our complete haul. This shopping trip was serious.

We then ventured back to the mall to make a return. We parked and entered at the Dillard's end, and walked through the mall to the Macy's end (which is basically as far away as you can get). Dillard's closed at 6, while Macy's stayed open until 7. We stayed in Macy's past 6, meaning we would be almost forced to exit the mall on one end and walk all the way around. That would have been our fate if not for the discovery of an unlocked door to the staff hallway, which led us behind the stores, down a flight of stairs, and into the parking lot with our car! The whole operation was a bit sketchy, so I don't have any photos to share.

We returned home around sunset, just in time for a walk to the park to enjoy the nightly affair which is the sunset.

After a while of hm-ing and ha-ing about which crafty endeavor to embark on mom encouraged me to make hanging chingalas with my paper cranes. They're not all done yet, but there'll be a tutorial coming soon. 

After some hardcore paper crane crafting we were hungry and decided to make a little mango guacamole. This stuff is incredible, yall, and the recipe will be posted for yall sometime next week. Be watching, because this stuff will blow your mind, and your taste buds, to smithereens.

That's a wrap on all of the adventures of Sunday! Stay tuned for more adventures!

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