
Sunday, April 3, 2016

Reflecting upon Easter

7 days ago we celebrated Easter.

I could tell you that we had some family friends over and did Easter crafts with them.

I could tell you that we attended an incredible Good Friday service downtown. (It was put on by 300 local churches and featured Micheal W. Smith)

I could tell you that Saturday morning I made a Lucky Charms cake for my group project squad.

I could tell you that I had the opportunity to jump on some stone cows and watch a gorgeous sunset unfold before me.

I could tell you that a helicopter dropped 20,000 Easter eggs at a local church.

I could tell you that we enjoyed a wonderful Easter service, and then lunch at my grandparents house.

Or maybe that I received Friday, a beautiful betta fish.

But in the true scope of what Easter means, all these things seem so insignificant. Guys, Jesus, a man who had committed no sin and lived a completely perfect life on earth, died for us all. He took on all the sins of the world, past, present, and future, so that you and I would have the opportunity to live a perfect life in heaven for all of eternity.

Sometimes I lose sight of the vastness of that sacrifice. He was killed and humiliated so we all may have the choice of life. Part of what astounds me is the choice element. Jesus didn't die so we'd all have eternal life automatically, he died so we could choose him. He suffered with the knowledge that many would turn away from him and deny the immense suffering he endured to buy their salvation. That alone blows my mind.

The best part of the whole story, though, is that death couldn't hold him. He rose again, and challenged us as believers to bring this story of Jesus to the whole world. When I am reminded of how short our time here is to gather as many people as we can and bring them to Jesus, it changes my perspective on everything. When my purpose here on earth is dissected, it pretty much boils down to the fact that I am called to show people Jesus's love. When we compare our short time here to the vastness of eternity, our charge becomes more urgent than before. And, as I said, it changes how I aspire to live my life.

When looking at the big picture of life and death and purpose, the things I'm stressing about are so infinitesimal, as are the things I love. The pressure I'm putting on myself over school is entirely disproportional. My passion for photography is also misplaced. It's about bringing Jesus glory in everything I say and do. And as I type that sentence, I know I'm failing. That's where grace comes in. I can try again tomorrow, working to make my life be more representative of Jesus and all that He's done for me. The mission and purpose bestowed upon me is overwhelming and empowering all at once. On one hand, I am grateful for having been given such a purpose, but on the other, just wow, that's such a big mission to accomplish. I'm grateful that I don't have to do it alone. I have Jesus and the church, and together we're ready to bring the world Jesus and his love for them all.

So yeah, that's what I wanted to tell yall, and what's been going around in my brain in this week since Easter. I hope Easter held a meaning beyond rabbits and pastel candy for yall too.


  1. God is good,

    You type the next line and we'll go back and forth. Time for you to start replying back.

  2. Replies
    1. All the time,
      Hehe. Remember that one time where I said you need to start replying back? . . .

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I always enjoy your amazing photography but the best is your writings , the way you write makes one want to read more- it's always interesting and sometimes just plane fun ! Above all glorifying God....
