
Saturday, March 19, 2016

Spring Break 2016: Day 8


Any day that starts with Lucky Charms suspended in a frappachino is bound to be a great day. 

After my ridiculously sugared breakfast I did a bit of blogging.

Before lunch I headed over to Hannah's. We kicked off the day feeding our ducks, as it's been awhile and we were afraid they may forget us.

Popcorn was the snack of the day, and they seemed to enjoy it, as they hurried to snap it up. Our little pond, which we've named All The Things Baby Lake, was the fullest we'd seen it due to the recent rain.

Another new development was the flowers that had been planted around our baby lake. 

And bluebonnets were blooming, which was quite exciting.
When our big bowl of popcorn was gone we set off on our nature walk adventure.
First we came across the peculiar pieces of fruit on this tree. We cut them open and decided that they were probably some kind of citrus.

As we walked we found a variety of wildflowers. A quintessential wildflower, if you ask me,

We hopped across the stream, which was flowing with great force, so I experimented with a daytime long exposure.

While frolicking through a clearing chasing little floaty yellow butterflies we came across these teeny tiny orange and purple flowers, which was quite exciting. At first it looked like there weren't even petals, just a purple eruption in the center with a sea of orange dancing around it. 

Across another creek lied a creepy and abandoned elf on the shelf.

Crossing back over Hannah's shoe slipped off and became entrenched in the creek bed. The sandy mud just seemed to swallow her shoe whole, pulling it down deeper and deeper. 

Yeah, we were what some may call a mess. I'd like to think of it as proof of an adventure. Almost like a stamp in a passport.

This wildflower looks a bit like a zinnia in the petal region, but more of a honeybee butt in the center. Almost like a bee got stuck upside down while wearing a poofy skirt, and that, my friends, is a great mental image.

It was bring your own cup day to 7-11, so we took a 2 quart pitcher and filled it with sour airhead, cherry, and blue raspberry.

We also picked up whataburger and then threw ourselves a picnic.

We frolicked around and found and wished on dandelions. There were invisible monsters to be fought, and piggyback rides to be had. We played. Forgetting about everything and doing things because you just want to is so very liberating.

We then went inside to try to do homework. We built a blanket fort, began to study, and fell asleep. When our siesta was over, we made a pizza, and walked back down to the creek while it baked. A good call.
The seemingly perfect end of a perfect and wonderfully chill and slightly childish Saturday. The perfect way to end a spectacular spring break. What else could I ask for?

A crazy, slightly demonic looking bunny in someone's front yard on our way home. That's what else I could ask for.

This is one of those days you remember, not for what you did or what you saw, but how you felt. Complete, warm, excited, calm, tranquil, satisfied, at ease, ready for whatever is coming next. All that, rolled into one. Saturday felt good. Like, the kind of good you can feel in your core.  Not the kind of good that's a step down from great, or a step up from okay. The kind of good that is almost just a mellow awesome, but more wholesome. A kind of good that is complete without being extravagant. I think it's the feeling you get on Christmas Eve. That calm, excited, relaxed, satisfied sensation. Just so good. These are the Saturdays I want to remember.

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