
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Mango Guacamole: the dip of summer

Alrighty friends, have a seat. We need to have a conversation. A conversation about the heavenly dip that is Mango Guacamole, which very well may present itself as the official dip of Summer 2016. Even though my last taste of this goodness was over spring break, my next glimpse of it ought to be soon. This dip is sweet, tangy, and is perfectly smooth, and generally irresistible. 

Recipe time! Even Gracie is excited! 

  • Mangoes
  • Avocados
  • Pico de gallo (homemade 
  • Salt
  • Limes
How many, you ask? 
Double as many mangoes as avocados. Pico and lime and salt to taste. 
In my opinion, go more for the lime and less for the pico. I added the juice of 3 limes in conjunction with a mere 4 ounces of pico. If you're after the spicy/sweet dynamic I'd ramp it up with a good bit of chili powder, seasoned salt, and of course, more pico de gallo. 

Mangoes can be a daunting fruit, even more so than my beloved pomegranates. Mom and I did some research and found that the best way to get all the sweet, juicy fruit away from the pit (you know, the funky stringy operation in the center) is to cut the fruit into thirds (after washing it, of course!) as close to the pit as possible, and then smoosh the skin against the inside of a wide mouthed glass, as shown below. The fruit should slide away pretty easily.

Whip out your fancy Sur-La-Table avocado knife and slice up all those alligator pears like a boss.

Dice up the mangoes/

Mash the whole operation together with a potato masher. I'm a chunky guac person, and the mango complies well to this notion.

Douse it in freshly squeezed lime juice.

Enjoy! These cheapy HEB tortilla chips couldn't hold nearly enough guac. Take chip selection seriously, my friends.

Sidenote: If you want to be extra organized and channel your inner Rachel Ray, use a trash bowl! This recipe creates a good bit of trash that leaves your hands ooey and sticky, and unless you have a fancy garbage can, a trash bowl is the most practical option.

Oh friends, I hope you find yourself with an excess of mangoes and a burning desire to enjoy great food. 

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