
Sunday, May 8, 2016

"I AM THE MOM" and the influence of our mothers

Happy Mother's Day!
Mother's Day: a holiday created to honor maternal bonds as well as the power and influence of moms in society. Today young children will present their mommas with handmade gifts, cards assuring them that they're "the best mom ever" and maybe even breakfast in bed. Teens will run to Instagram, post a throwback photo of themselves and their mom, while trying to coolly admit that their mom is pretty darn legit. Adults will go to brunch, take a stroll down memory lane, and give their mother a potted plant. A pretty sweet holiday to recognize these women.

In preparation for this Mother's Day filled with appreciation for my mom and grandma, I've realized something. At some point, I think I've transitioned from appreciating my mom as just my mom, to appreciating her as a whole person and a generally excellent member of society.
I'm assuming I'm not alone, as I've noticed a bit of a trend within my fine female friends. We all seem to want to be "the mom" in a given situation. The one to lend encouragement, the one to warn about fire safety in the lab, the one to pet your hair and tell you that it'll all be okay, the one who's prepared with mints and band aids and snacks, the one who just keeps a check on everyone. "You're such a cool mom" "Okay, fine, mom" "I AM THE MOM"- all things heard pretty commonly in the last couple weeks.

Maybe I'm reading into it all too much, but I think this shows that us moderately angsty teenage girls really do appreciate our moms and all you do. We want to be like you, to emulate your kindness, concern, and love that yall have shown for us and others. I've found myself in many conversations orbiting around what kind of parents we'll be: That's another thing, now yall are modeling what it is to be a mom, and that's pretty rad. You're more than just moms to us now. You're the kind of people we want to grow up to be.

We do listen when you warn us about the dangers of steam rising over a pot of boiling pasta. We remember when we were 6 and always hungry while running errands and how you kept a stash of snacks for us. We know you're always willing to comfort us. We carry all this  with us and share it in the best way we know how.

So, to my mom, THANKYOUSOVERYMUCH for being an incredible person and a fantastic mother. I am immensely (deeply, very, super duper uber ultra) grateful for you. You provide me with an excellent (EXCELLENT, EXCELLENT) example of what it is to be a mom, a daughter, a wife, an employee, and a friend. Your compassion, empathy, passion, and excitement prove to be unending, continually astounding and inspiring the people around you (especially me). Thank you for putting your heart and soul into raising me in the very best way you know how. Thank you for guiding me while letting me be myself, for encouraging me, for staying up late with me, for being adventure ready, for watching Steel Magnolia's together for the hundredth time. I love you so freaking much.

*photo montage of the last year of awesome*

Maybe this kinda thing isn't supposed to go down on a blog post but YOU PEOPLE ARE FABULOUS AND SOMEBODY HAS TO SAY IT.

Okay. I think we've covered all the bases.

Happy Mother's Day.

1 comment:

  1. My words exactly. I couldn't have said it better myself.
