
Monday, July 13, 2015

NYC day #3

Oh, friends. Today was so spectacular. My mind has been repeatedly blown. We toured the United Nations headquarters, shopped our way around Times Square, and enjoyed the views from the 86th floor of the Empire State building. 

First thing in the morning we took a brisk walk over to the United Nations headquarters where we met up with our friends and toured the UN, which, fun fact, is not technically part of the US but shared international territory. They have their own postal system and a police force made up of individuals from various countries.

There was some pretty cool artwork in the courtyard which was donated by various Scandinavian countries.

The building itself was beautifully decorated with art from all over the globe. We were taken through various meeting rooms, all designed with a specific purpose in mind. Their size surprised me. I knew that there were 193 countries in the Union but I didn't realizes that each an every one of them would have a seat (or two). It was also really neat to see where the Security Council met, given how much I've learned about it in school. This year I had the wonderful opportunity to take AP Human Geography, and many of the statistics and events we learned about are based around the United Nations. It was quite empowering to walk into a large, official government building with some background knowledge and understanding of what goes on inside it. It was also nice to see how if I chose to pursue this field that I could make a career out of it and make my work meaningful to society, even in a minuscule way.

After the intensity of the UN we hopped on the subway to go relax and shop at a few of the famed shops in TSq. First up was the original, 11 story Macy's department store

These sassy hand models made me giggle.

We took these old wooden escalators up the various floors. They sounded very similar to my favorite wooden roller coaster, the Giant Dipper, at Santa Cruz.

Mom and I made out way to the selection of sunglasses. I just HAD to try on these 2 pair because they were too ridiculous to be real.

But then I found this nice Tiffany pair that I really like. Sadly, $480 dollars is just a tad out of my price range.

We then made the short walk to the famous and well portrayed Empire State building. After touring the museum we made the long elevator ride to the 86th floor and I went CRAZY with my camera. Honestly, for every photo you see here there are 10 that are chilling on my SD card.

We finished off another wonderful day in the city with the biggest pretzel I've ever seen in my life and yet another slice of  New York cheesecake. 

Yall, this is blissful.

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