
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Spring Break 2016: Launch Day/Day 1

Spring break.
A wonderful week in which we are spared of any classes and lessons, and instead given a week, right in the heart of an emergence of a new season. Spring break gives us an opportunity to slow down and just breathe, in addition to giving us a chance to have fun and goof around for a whole week. 
Last spring break my blog saw the arrival of a photo adventure. 
This spring break I'm going to post a summary of the day's events in an effort to a) drive myself to greater productivity and b) share fun little things with yall. It'll be like a whole weeks worth of behind the scenes of my life madness. At least that's the hope. We shall see where this initiative goes from here. 

Launch Day! (Friday afternoon+evening) 

Friends, do you know that I'm a huge Pixar fan? 
Huge. I adore their various and entirely artistic animation, their gripping stories, their lovable characters, and the great scores that go along with it all. 
Despite all this, I somehow managed to avoid seeing their latest release, The Good Dinosaur, until now. My dear friend Hannah, who had already seen the movie, happily agreed to go see it again with me at the discount theaters. Very few others accompanied us at the showing so we munched on our sweet and salty snacks while commenting about and squealing over the movie. 
The Good Dinosaur was incredible. All my favorite parts of Pixar were highly exemplified and the subject matter, dinosaurs, a favorite. I mean, obviously
The clouds were quite dramatic when we exited the movies so I had to be that child who pulled out their camera in the parking lot. (#sorrynotsorry)

Hannah and I ended up at the nearby bookstore and I purchased a copy of Stargirl which I intend to read in the near future because many of my favorite people praise it highly. 
It was then decided that I'd spend the night at Hannah's (because is there a better way to kick off spring break? I think not) so we stopped by my house so I could pick up my paints, as we were feeling artsy, and then Randalls to buy a cookie or brownie mix. 
While at Randalls we discovered the most magical of dessert mixes: A cookie brownie mix. We also discovered that if you give Hannah 2 boxes of popcorn to hold she and her tiny hands can't handle it and she'll end up throwing both boxes and her wallet in 3 different directions. Bless her heart. 
Once we got home we set up a bit of a painting studio and went to town making artsy things on canvases.

As we know, we're just little kids who really love mixing paint.

Hannah's goal was to create an adorable and visually assisted pun. This child and her sense of humor are my favorite ("I am a plant. I need a plant name. Hanntana!")

My goal was to make some sort of abstract, blended background with a short quote painted on in my everyday (Read: messy and unpretty) handwriting. For me, painting is just about the fun of painting. I like making abstract things and watching colors mix and blend and play together.

The background vaguely reminds me of a Monet painting, which is fun. And this quote, well I'm sure I heard it somewhere, and I like it. For me, it's almost like a phrase which challenges you to match life's vastness with the life you live. And to 16 year old me, that seems pretty powerful. I want to do things big. Wholeheartedly. With intensity. I want to live my life in a big way. A way that shows God's bigness in my life. I want to leave a mark (however small) and to leave a legacy (even if only in the eyes of a few). And I think the best way to do that is to do big things.

Talking and thinking about big things late at night can cause random doodling. Sometimes that doodling happens to be with paint. On yourself. Just hopefully in a color other than black, because then it may look like you're in a cult. Which I promise I am not.

((Also look at how cute we are. Hannah put us on the gram of the insta and everyone agrees that we're pretty spectacular. {Yes, I know. I'm quite confident in our awesomeness thankyouverymuch}))

We then practiced our "chefdom" and made these amazing cookie brownies. We're so sophisticated we can manage 2 boxed mixes at a time. (In actuality Hannah and I are both well versed bakers)(but together we're kind of a mess)

Pardon the painfully bright Canon flash, but I think this photo pretty well summarizes us after painting and a cookie dough war.
We stayed up pretty late dorking around and being teenage girls (woah that was a weird phrase to type because most of the time I feel like a complicated person stuck in a 5 year old and definitely not a teenage girl)

Day one (Saturday)

I got up relatively early to go with mom to R.E.I.'s used gear/garage sale, which is a sale of all their returned merchandise. We've gone many times, so we know the drill. The store reached capacity before we could get in and they were asking trivia questions in exchange for $20 gift cards and mom won us one, so that was great. Once we got in we grabbed anything that looked halfway enticing and threw it in our blue IKEA bags until we could find a spot out of they way to sort our treasure.

The day of shopping continued when mom and I met up with grandma at the mall and we shopped all day. I bought a couple new dresses, a few pairs of shorts, and some winter clothes to save for next year that were on clearance. We trekked up and down the mall, shared a large cherry lemonade and a bag of cinnamon pretzel bites, and generally had a good time.

As afternoon rolled into evening my grandma was wanting to get something to eat from the food court and we were headed to get corn dogs until my grandma saw people eating ice cream. This woman loves vanilla ice cream more than anyone else I've ever met in my lifetime, and soon we were both enjoying a cone of soft serve vanilla ice cream.

 As we left the mall the clouds caught my interest, and once again I was pulling my camera out in the parking lot to capture it.

Mom and I then ran into the grocery store to buy a few classified items that you'll be seeing soon. 

Upon returning home I took a 2 hour nap which in turn kept me up until 4 in the morning. Goodbye, regular sleep schedule!

Onwards to the rest of spring break!

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